Have you rolled down Clyde Morris lately with your top down shades on music up loud and came a cross a strong odor well I don't want to make false claims but it seems that Waste Management has been dumping garbage next door I was riding down Cyyde Morris and seen a big old mountain it look as if it was something there and I know that couldn't be right because there wasn't no landfill no where near that area there's apartment complexes residential's businesses schools colleges oh yeah and waste management I thought it was just the truck stink but that odor is not coming from them it's coming from the trash that they are dumping next door so at some point, you will smelled your garbage. It’s like nothing else in the world it's awful and it gets all in your AC vents sometimes I wonder about this little small area I want to know do they bury it or do they burn it but I don't care because sooner or later that smell is toxic think about it if you stay nea...